With Captain Marvel's mid-credits scene having already established how Carol comes in contact with the Avengers back in Earth, Endgame won't have to spend that much time resolving this particular subplot - a clever creative move considering that the film is expected to have quite an elaborate plot. The creator's caption adds a fun twist to it with the Guardian of the Galaxy supposedly warning those aboard his vessel to not throw-up - a callback to the time he, Yondu (Michael Rooker) and Baby Groot (Vin Diesel) did an extensive space jump ending with the sapling vomiting in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. Related: Avengers: Endgame Theory - Thanos Will Reverse The Snap HimselfĬourtesy of digital artist ultraraw26 on Instagram comes an illustration featuring Captain Marvel co-piloting a spaceship with Rocket (Bradley Cooper) with Captain America (Chris Evans), Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), and War Machine (Don Cheadle) for Endgame. This becomes the inspiration for a brand new fan art visualizing the team traveling to space. According to it, Carol sits down with the heroes at Avengers HQ devising a way to find Thanos - confident that they'll win this time with her on their side. The description for the latest footage for the film shown at Disney shareholder meeting, however, gives fans more context as to what to expect in the movie.

Despite releasing a trailer and a Super Bowl spot, it's still difficult to gauge how things will shake out in the Phase 3 capper with both previews revealing barely anything narrative-wise. Marvel Studios is keeping plot details for Endgame tightly under wraps.