
Bernie sanders magical trees
Bernie sanders magical trees

bernie sanders magical trees

Only a grassroots effort to hold them accountable to the will of the people can succeed. Because it is quite true: Congress, as it stands now, would not work with Sanders. So what is he possibly thinking? The answer is simple: Sanders is not just running for President he is calling for a political revolution. Congress writes the laws and as it stands now, no president could dream of getting the kinds of things done that Sanders talks about. Their efforts on behalf of wealthy Americans, in the name of free-market, trickle-down theories, make clear where they stand. Most of Congress has been dancing to the tune of big money. How Could Sanders Possibly Get Anything Done With Such Dysfunction in Congress? Sanders can lead a revolution - which brings us to: It is in comparison to the heart-striking, haplessly earnest, grounded sincerity and passion of Sanders that Clinton's political shrewdness is revealed - and ultimately found wanting. Simply put, Clinton is not the candidate we need. No amount or preparation or hard work guarantees you the presidency, and it shouldn't. And no one deserves it unless they can prove it to when the time comes.

bernie sanders magical trees

She's worked so hard." But you know what? It's no one's "turn". Not all I had a conversation with someone recently who said "Clinton deserves it it's her turn. There have been articles touting the Democratic base's excitement about Clinton I have not witnessed it, but have met many who express unease. On paper, she is extraordinarily qualified to be president but she makes me uneasy, and her at times blatant imitation of Sanders does little to reassure of her sincerity (from May 10th, a piece about Sanders' litmus test for Supreme Court judges from May 14th, a Washington Post piece about Clinton's litmus test, that at least referred to Sanders earlier stance and, from May 18th, a NY Times piece about Clinton's litmus test, with no mention of Sanders). She is already deeply invested in playing the game that way she's already been compromised. Clinton does not come close she would like to persuade us that she does, but compared to Sanders she, too, seems like a plastic politician with a perfect smile and perfect hair, and too many ties to the very financial industry that left us with two wheels hanging over the cliff in the first place. Make no mistake, Sanders is the clear heir to Warren's progressive momentum.

bernie sanders magical trees

And that's Sanders to a T, and with a vengeance. We're all ready for someone who just makes some damned sense and who has already shown that they have the courage to take a truly significant stand, and that they mean business. More and more people are paying attention, though and the people who have been watching, and voting, and getting progressively sicker and angrier all the time, have had enough. (It turns out the thing that truly fails those who play by those rules, the thing they truly don't have, is courage.) None of them are in any cognitive position to adequately assess Sanders, or his chances - or to assess the savvy of the American public in responding to Sanders' message. It must be the only way, or else why would everyone always do it? Clearly, anyone who doesn't play by those rules is doomed to fail. Why Don't The Pols or the Pundits Get It?Īlmost everyone in the political establishment as usual, and in the punditariat, has drunk the kool-aid (Rachel Maddow is a notable exception) they have accepted how the game is played. That's why only 37% of the people voted in 2014, and only 20% of young people did. Everyone is sick of listening to politicians pander, to know that they're being pandered to, and to find themselves forced to choose between the lesser of two panderers - while having no real faith that their choice means anything. Sanders doesn't waste time on it, and it's obvious he'd rather be serving his constituency - and it's obvious he's sincere. Everyone is sick of plastic, insincere, politician smiles and hairdos. Everyone knows it's time to get the money out of politics. If that's called socialism, then so be it. On a deep level, people know the only solution is to elect people who aren't beholden to big money to elect people who will fight for the poor and the middle-class's piece of the pie. Sanders is the only candidate who does not represent more of the same. People know that the rich have been using their influence and access to rig the game in their favor. Everyone knows things have gone off the rails. So how is it possible that Sanders has been getting such extraordinary responses? Why, oh why, does Bernie fly? Simply put: everyone is sick of politics as usual.

Bernie sanders magical trees