
Will skunks hibernate under your house
Will skunks hibernate under your house

will skunks hibernate under your house

Now, if you are wondering why to choose us, let me enlighten you with some of the points below: Trained technicians: We at Bug Busters are here to help you fight this war against pesky skunks. If you feel that your home or office is becoming a habitat for skunks and are looking for skunk control near you, we have the perfect solution for you. Why Choose Bug Busters Skunk Exterminators A lot of problems might arise globally if these endangered species go extinct. This might add up to the already increasing problem of being able to save bees. Skunks feed on bees and might attack their hives in order to obtain food. They are known to protect their homes, known as hives, fiercely. Your crops, fruits, vegetables, or any other food source is surely going to attract them and is going to become their lavish meal.īees are an integral part of our ecosystem and for a plant’s growth. Most of them are raided by these wild animals in search of food. Like we have said, unguarded or unprotected lawns and gardens are at the disposal of skunks. Hence, quick action against skunks becomes essential. So, if you are someone with a knack for gardening or are just proud of your well-maintained lawns, you wouldn’t want your hard work and efforts to go to waste at the hands of a rodent. They build themselves a deep hole to stay or sometimes do it just to look for insect larvae. To find a shelter or safe place to hibernate, skunks are believed to dig up the lawns. Here, it gets necessary to get rid of skunks, due to the underlying threat of the deadly disease that they carry with themselves. In the US itself, skunks are recorded as the second highest wild animal to be responsible for the spreading of rabies among the masses. Skunks are believed to carry this disease. It is so lethal that death results in almost every untreated case. It is a viral disease that can lead to fever, a sensation at the affected area, inflammation of the brain, and usually death. Rabies is a disease caused by the scratches or bites of a dangerous animal. Skunks are proven to carry and spread rabies. Most of the rodents are not harmful, but skunks pose a serious threat to health. It must also be noted that skunks can harm both humans and animals in the same way. The skunk’s spray can reach approximately 20 feet to harm a dangerous element. These sprays can be painful most of the time and might instigate temporary blindness. Their way of attacking is by spraying an oily substance containing sulfur, which is generated by a gland located at the end of their tail. When a skunk feels threatened, they adopt a protective stance, and sometimes even attack the imminent threat. Skunks occupying space inside your house or commercial property leads to many problems for all family members including your pets. Generally, people do not realize the fact until their pet, like a cat or dog, gets into a confrontation with the wild animal. Sometimes it even gets difficult to know if you have one living in your house. They can take refuge anywhere from your barn or shed to your garbage cans, or even under the porch. Skunks are always on a search for dark, hidden, empty spaces to live.


So, to get rid of skunks, you need professional skunk pest removal services. At times it becomes necessary to get rid of them.

will skunks hibernate under your house

This commonly found rodent can easily become a nuisance for you and creates many problems. After that, they look for secure and dark areas to spend their winters, and that can easily be the barn or shed of your home or business area. This rodent can be seen during the fall since they are feeding excessively, preparing themselves for hibernating during the winter. For decades now, skunks have become familiar with humans, and they can be easily found around residential areas. Skunks are rodents of black and white color with a foul smell.

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  • will skunks hibernate under your house


  • Will skunks hibernate under your house